sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

Dendrobium kingianum

Dendrobium kingianum Bidwill ex Lindley 1844

This is a small to large sized, cool to warm growing lithophytic orchid from Queensland and New South Wales Australia at elevations of 50 to 1200 meters where it is found both on the coast and in the mountains growing lithophytically on rocks and cliff faces forming dense mats, with swollen basally and then fusiform, sulcate, dark colored stems carrying 2 to 7 , near the apex, ovate, thin textured leaves and blooms in the late winter and early spring on an axillary, erect to arcuate, medium length to 16" [to 40 cm], few to 20 flowered, fragrant raceme that arises from the leaf axils at the apex of the canes both new and old. Water should be greatly reduced and fertilizer eliminated from mid fall until new growth appears in the spring.

The flowers of the species are quite color variable and have a full range of colors between red, purple, white striped and purplish blue.

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Dendrobium 'Stardust - Fire Bird'

'Stardust - Fire Bird'

Belo híbrido resultante do cruzamento das espécies ancestrais Dendrobium moniliforme X Dendrobium unicum. Para uma floração intensa, a planta requer inverno seco e contraste de temperatura dia/noite de ~ 15°C. Dependendo das condições de cultivo, pode haver uma normal perda das folhas antes da floração.

Oncidium flexuosum

Oncidium flexuosum C.Loddiges 1820

Found in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in the coastal mountains and along inland creeks and marshes at elevations of 500 to 800 meters as a small to medium sized, cool to hot growing, epiphytic orchid that has narrowly ovoid or avate-elliptic, compressed, ancipitous pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical, spreading, slightly coriaceous, narrolwy oblong-ligulate, obtuse or abruptly acute leaves that blooms on an erect to arcuate, to 3' [90 cm] long, dull purple, paniculate inflorescence with 4 to 10, long ascending branches with to 10 flowers and narrowly triangular, very short, acute floral bracts and has many, small flowers occuring most often in the fall and winter.

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quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Phalaenopsis híbrida

Phalaenopsis hybridus

Gênero amplamente popular com inúmeros híbridos dando origem a flores com formas, tamanhos e colorações diversas. As flores exibidas aqui são hibridizações principalmente da espécie ancestral Phalaenopsis amabilis, originária das Filipinas. A variedade rosa produziu flores de 13cm em haste floral de 70cm de comprimento, ao passo que a variedade semi-alba produziu flores menores, com 6cm e haste floral de 40cm. O cultivo requer apenas pequenos cuidados: alta umidade o ano todo, ventilação e boa luminosidade - com sol incidente nas primeiras horas da manhã ou nas últimas horas da tarde e sombra ou meia sombra entre as 10 e 16hs. Algumas variedades apreciam um contraste de temperatura dia/noite no inverno para ativar o processo de floração. Em condições de cultivo favoráveis, as flores podem durar até por 3 longos meses.

Oncidium longipes

Oncidium longipes (Lindl. 1850)

Found in Peru, southern Brazil and Paraguay in cool montane forests as well as the lowlands along river banks as a small sized, cool to hot growing epiphyte with oval, elongate psuedobulbs with one or two, apical, linear-oblong, mucronate leaves and blooms with an erect, short to 6" [15 cm] fractiflex, loosely 2 to 6 flowered raceme occuring in the summer through fall. Said to be very similar or conspecific with O. uniflorum. Mount in tree fern or pot with a finer mixture, give hot to cool temperatures, high humidity, bright indirect light and good air circulation. Water often while growing and then less as the pseudobulbs mature for a dry winter rest.

This species has two similar orchid relatives, O uniflorum and O regentii but differs in the larger than 20 cm plant, an inflorescence much shorter than the leaf, large flowers 3.5 cm from dorsal to lateral sepal, a lip that is slightly smaller than the lateral petals, large lateral lobes of the lip in relation to the midlobe, a round isthmus with ciliate margins, a column larger than 5mm a large stigma and a tabula infrastigmata that is longer than wide.

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